Lecture Video- http://mediacast.ttu.edu/Mediasite/Play/842d916401044c20a370989776ea66631d?catalog=4dc7289a-d3e0-4ae5-8fdc-5b86c027a06b
Photosythesis takes place in two steps. In the first step, known as the light dependent reactions, light energy is converted into chemical energy held in the bonds of ATP and NADPH.
Expected Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to
- list the parts of a photosystem
- discuss the function of a photosystem
- describe where the light dependent reactions of photosythesis occur and discuss why these reactions occur in this location
- describe cyclc electron flow, be able to explain both the energetic result and what chemcical changes occur
- describe non-cyclic electron flow, be able to explain both the energetic result and what chemical changes occur
- describe the cause and the result of chemiosmosis
- answer the question- "why doesn't photosynthesis stop after the production of ATP and NADPH in the light dependent reactions
Readings From Textbook
pages 184 - 197
Further Reading
A simple introduction to the process of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis- http://www.eoearth.org/article/Photosynthesis
Here is a link to some fairly detailed info about photosynthesis (it contains some very good diagrams).
Powerpoint Presentation
Here is the powerpoint presentation that I will use in class.
Further Viewing
These videos contain animations that might help you to understand what is happening in the light dependent reactions. I encourage you to watch each of these videos.
1) This video has some great animations of what is going on in the light dependent reactions.
2) This is a video of a woman with a very southern accent talking about photosyntheis with some decent animations.
3)Another explanation of light dependent reactions.
The first video was great